Film & Video Editing

Editor is half Director of Film & Video programme making. The Department is well equipped with analogue and digital, professional and broadcast quality video and film editing equipments, Apple Non Linear Editing Set up with Final Cut Pro7, 10.23 and Avid Media Composer, Window Non Linear Editing Set up with Adobe Premier (C6) & Gaphics and Animation facility. Besides, theoretical inputs, students are provided with hands-on-practice in linear and non-linear modes of editing both in film & video format which helps them to understand the craft and creative dimension of film making. After completion of studies, students are absorbed in Government / Private Editing set ups, Television channels & Doordarshan or they start their own editing studio.

This subject aims to develop student’s understanding of the concepts of editing – whether it’s for the film material or video. In particular the subject is designed to develop the underpinning knowledge and a skill required to work in a particular editing environment and makes students familiar with different editing procedures. This subject introduces the student to the concepts of cinematic time and space and aspects of continuity editing, which helps them to manipulate the possibilities which lies in the raw footage they get. It familiarizes the students with the various platforms – whether it is film or video, electronics or digital medium. And they further learn the practical skills of editing on a Non-linear editing setup. The emphasis is to develop understanding of the film medium and the role of editing in film and TV, through regular film screenings and analysis, practical exercises and student film projects. Practical exercises are designed to help develop an appreciation for aesthetics of editing as well as to familiarize them with operating procedures. Anything is shot by the Cinematographer, needs to be edited to present for audience.

Career prospects

Students from the Film & Video Editing can absorbed in Private Editing set ups for feature films and video programmes, Television channels & Doordarshan etc.